Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kink Influences

If you know me, it's no secret that I've been kinky effectively since I could walk. Previously, I've just accepted this as my reality and left it at that but recently I've begun thinking about my influences and how they shaped who I am and what I like. Today I'm going to share a few of my influences and what I liked about them.

Xenia Onatopp

Have you watched Golden Eye? It was my favorite movie for years, starting with the first time I ever watched it when I was probably 4 or 5. I'm not sure why my parents even let me watch James Bond movies but they did and I was enthralled. I didn't really give a shit about the violence in fact I barely noticed it, what I did notice was Xenia Onatopp killing people with her thighs and Natalya Simonova's super sexy accent. In fact I liked Xenia so much that I used to put other kids in scissor grips with my legs because I thought it was awesome to have that much control over someone. (Several of my middle school friends will attest to this.) I believe I also begged my mom to let me take a Russian class almost immediately after I saw Golden Eye. 

Strangely enough, the connection between my obsession with scissor grips/breath control and sexual excitement only recently surfaced for me. I have no idea why it took so long for me to become aware of it because it's extremely obvious now.

I think it was the display of power that I was so attracted to; Xenia lures men into a place where they think they're safe and in control (typically, they would be right as men are often the dominant players in sexual interactions) and then she absolutely turns the tables on them when not only are they least expecting it but they've let their guard down. I love the trickery and seduction that is put into such an interaction and I love that she gets off on it even more. In retrospect, I think what really stood out to me about Xenia was that she was a woman; Previously I had only seen men get off on taking control and power.

Xena the Warrior Princess

Okay so, Xena is really campy, I'll admit that. However, that doesn't make Xena any less powerful in her world; She kicks ass with reckless abandon, travels on her own, saves men and women from bad guys and seduces men to get what she wants. (Obviously, there is going to be a theme of women using their sexuality to control men here and that says a lot about me.) GO AHEAD, tell me that isn't empowering?! Sure, she's a sex object but she chooses to be a sex object because wearing leather is badass and being sexy while you kill demons is fucking cool. I think she only gets saved by a man once or twice and then she almost immediately turns the tables and saves them from an even worse fate. I'm sure I could find many flaws in Xena and probably rip her power to shreds but when I first saw her, that was not what I was thinking about. Honestly, I was too busy being in awe of her kicking ass and taking names in a metal push up bra at the tender age of 6.

Birdy the Mighty

This one is a little obscure, so I'll explain who Birdy is.
Birdy the Mighty is an anime about a spandex clad alien super heroine federal space officer from outer space who accidentally kills a teenage boy and then is forced to share a body with him. (And let the lulz ensue.) The show follows Birdy fighting crime (aka fucked up aliens) and protecting the boy in many instances (some of which she's naked in) and teaching the boy to be a better person. Although I'm pretty sure after the first two episodes it gets really shitty and awful... Those are absolutely not part of my scope of memory though as I didn't discover them until about a year ago.

So anyways, Birdy is another powerful female character (at least she was in the first couple of episodes) who is oozing sexuality. Although she doesn't really directly use it in the show, it's more of a tool to draw in the viewer. 

Some Crazy Furry Porn I Found Online

I wish I could remember the name of the artist of the crazy furry porn my best friend and I found on Neopets when we were 10 or 11. Unfortunately, I haven't really looked at it since then and the only things I remember were that the artist always drew wolves and she called her boyfriend "Dirtbag" and often drew him all tied up and tortured.  
Quite honestly, half wolf half people tied up and experiencing CBT blew me the fuck away when I was 10. (Not that I knew any 10 year olds who wouldn't be blown away by it...) Really though, the weird part was just that they were wolves. No, seriously. Something about the BDSM elements just clicked with me; I remember thinking "Well of course he's tied up. That's what you do to boys when they're bad and messing with their penises." Boy oh boy what the fuck does that say about me? I'm not sure I want to know..

What This Shit Says About Me

First and foremost, I'm fucking weird.
I think I must have found bondage pictures some where when I was a kid because I was forever trying to figure out how to tie up a Barbie with a hog tie (it's really hard, guys) and when I finally became aware that BDSM was a thing people did, I already knew two and single column ties as well as diamond harnesses and chest harnesses. I'm confident that my preoccupation with power and control is largely influenced by the media I've talked about in this post but there's some information that I just really have no idea where it came from. What I do know is that my biggest fetish is absolutely power exchange and everything that I'm interested in seems to become vastly more interesting when I realize that there's a power element. Given the influences that I have, that absolutely makes sense.

So I guess the moral of the story is if you don't want your children to grow up to be kinksters, don't let them look at BDSM furry porn on the internet. Or Animal Planet, that was bad for me too.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Lucky Boy in Chastity

Here are several more paragraphs from the Lucky Boy about his experiences in chastity, getting a reward, disappointing me and my response to the disappointment. Enjoy!

Miss Ruby took me to her space, tied me and blindfolded me. Now, I had been told not to wear my chastity cage that night so, there I was blindfolded, pants around my legs and my cock hard, dripping and aching for Miss Ruby. I had no idea what would come next and her mastery at being in charge only fueled my sexual desires even more. Miss Ruby invaded my ass, stroked my cock, clamped my nipples and took complete control over my willing body. I wasn’t allowed to cum and she brought me closer and closer to the edge and then back again. I had such a desire to cum but my desire to be good overcame it. Then she gave me permission to and I couldn’t. I wanted to so bad, I was right there on the edge and I tried and tried and Miss Ruby was being so good to me and giving me everything and more than I should have needed to cum but I just wouldn’t. It was like this frustrating combination of all my insecurities and having not cum in almost three weeks and I never came. After we were done and I was left frustrated, feeling like I had been a disappointment, Miss Ruby informed me that I was not allowed to cum and she also gave me some new chastity rules.
Whether or not I had truly been a disappointment that night, only Miss Ruby knows. However, what undeniably was a disappointment was me, the following morning. Not only did I break the chastity rule while shortcutting but, while doing so I also broke the rule of not being allowed to cum. I was so frustrated with having not cum and still so heated with my desires for Miss Ruby that I took from her what was hers, what I had voluntarily given up control of. It was one of the worst orgasms I’ve ever had. It was painful and I felt like such a disappointment during and after. I felt pathetic. I chastised myself and argued with myself all morning between telling Miss Ruby and not telling her. I knew that I had to be honest so I sent her a text telling her what had happened. I waited and waited and since having met her I had the worst day at work. I was close to tears throughout that day. I mean, she had taken such good care of me the night before and I ruined it all with one little selfish action. I just knew that she would be angry and feared she wouldn’t even want to have anything to do with this pathetic submissive who was untrustworthy. She did forgive me but, she was worried and rightfully so. I was relieved that she forgave me and I got to go and see her again that evening.
We spent that evening visiting and discussing what I had done. I couldn’t even look at her unashamedly for the longest time and she could definitely tell. Miss Ruby seems to be able to peer into my soul and see exactly what I need, deserve, what I desire and if not, she certainly knows how to get it out of me. That evening I had the sincere pleasure of staying the night. It felt absolutely amazing sleeping next to her. Miss Ruby’s body not only looks perfect but it also feels perfect. Her soft skin, soothing voice and her touch, oh that touch, are all so amazingly delightful to be curled up next to. I got to lay there with my head on her chest for quite some time, listening to her heartbeat as it lulled me off to sleep. It was the best night’s sleep I’d had in quite some time and even though I only got a few hours I felt rejuvenated. I was the happiest boy at work the following day and people couldn’t figure out what was going on with me. I was goofy and playful and probably the most positive that I’d been in quite some time. Miss Ruby had forgiven me, I did have a punishment coming, but her forgiveness and her desire to still want to see me and not give up on me meant so much to me. I have this fear in relationships that I’m going to be tossed to the side, be given up on, or just suddenly and without warning cut off. It’s happened to me in the past and it frightens me to the point to where I pretty much just expect it. I’ve avoided some potentially meaningful relationships in the past or ended some because of this fear. I hate having that fear but, I have this trust, feeling or, whatever you want to call it that Miss Ruby’s not going to give up. She seems to want me to serve her, to be a good boy for her and I have every intention to do my best for her. 
I got to stay with her the following night as well and spent most of the next day by her side too. We slept in together, she held me, she teased me and, she made me feel safe. I enjoyed every moment with Miss Ruby. We worked on a project together and I got to see a really fun and funny side to her. There was barely a moment where we weren’t either laughing, touching or just simply enjoying each other’s company. All of the kink aside, it’s a real treat to be around someone you can have that kind of a connection with. She makes me feel not only like a good submissive but also like a special person who’s worth her time to be around and who is adding something to her life. I don’t ever want to take away from Miss Ruby. I hope that I can be just as good to her as she’s been to me. 
As for everything else, I’ve offered to take pain for Miss Ruby. I’ve always felt that BDSM was a two way street. There is a reason why Dom’s are Dom’s and sub’s are sub’s. I want to take her pain, I want to be her good boy, her whore, trustworthy boy, friend, submissive – whatever she needs. What I don’t ever want to be and what I will put every effort into; is to never be a disappointment again.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Hidden Benefits of Good Toys

You might think I'm thick for stating this but I'll do it anyways; Quality really is worth it.
Unfortunately, quality is not cut and dry; Some expensive things suck and some cheap things are awesome.

For example, I'll compare two kinds of handcuffs: $10 Thumb Cuffs and $45 Deluxe Steel Handcuffs.

The "Deluxe" cuffs I bought in my youth when I was tormenting a boyfriend, unfortunately... They were crap. I spent a little chunk of change on them and  I only used them once or twice because they didn't feel good, they weren't fun to use and they weren't really that versatile.
The thumb cuffs on the other hand... I use whenever I have a chance; They just rock. They're simple but sturdy, versatile and I connect with them. That's really my point with this whole post- Good toys are toys you connect with. If it feels like you have to fight the toy to use it, it's not a good toy for you.

The bold statement above became really apparent to me over the weekend when I was comparing my single tail to my partner's- Mine is made from inexpensive leather, has thick strands, is probably only 8 plait and packs a whollup to my arm when I use it on someone. I knew I had to fight that whip to use it and that was part of the fun with it; If I wanted to beat someone, I had to really put some effort into it. Sadly though, I don't actually like this whip very much. It doesn't like to be accurate, it doesn't bend much and it feels like it almost gets stuck in particular configurations. All of this wasn't really that apparent to me until I used my partner's 20 plait signal whip...

Oh. My. God. This Whip is AMAZING. 

I don't often feel like I should just shell out half a grand for a new toy, especially not one I already have an inferior version of. Sure, it would be nicer, easier to use, probably meaner and I'm sure it will make me dinner too but meh. Don't spend money if you don't need to, right? 

Fuck me, though. This whip is incredible.
The craftsmanship alone makes it like a piece of goddamn art; It has tiny leather strips that wind back and forth, crisscrossing and locking together to make a solid column of dead animal parts designed solely for the purpose of inflicting pain. Every inch of it curls and unfurls gently as I run it through my fingers... It feels soft but solid to the touch and unlike anything I've touched before. It's just some how... Different and that intrigues me. It's innocent yet so devious- Some qualities I share with it. 

Lifting it to strike feels like an effortlessly fluid motion and the follow through of throwing it out in a clean strike continues that trend.  It feels like the leather is now a part of me; Each strike lands exactly where I want it to and with exactly the correct amount of force. This toy and I are dancing together across the ass of my bottom and it's beautiful, we're creating a piece of art together and there's nothing that prevents it from obeying me exactly. Goddamn. This is how this relationship is supposed to be, isn't it? 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Collection of Thank Yous

I decided to go through my emails today and reading some of the thank you's I've received from some of the people I've had contact with has made me very, very happy. Lucky for you, I've decided to make a small catalog of some of the thank you emails I've received so that other people can read them and feel some of the wonderful vibes that others have sent my way. :) 

I hope the writers of these little notes don't mind that I'm sharing them.

To be blunt, reading little sweet things or stories that people write for me about their experiences with me really makes my day.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!

Good Evening Ruby, I just wanted to touch base with you and thank you for such an incredible session. I liked that you were taller than me, and you being so attractive, I think weakens the defenses of the male brain. I don't know exactly what you were doing exactly, but I've never felt anything quite like that. The waves that kept going on and on at the same intensity even though my body was ready for the waves to subside, they kept on and on going!  Looking forward to next time.....:)


Hi! Thanks for making my birthday present special.
Here's a pic of how things are progressing... I love it! Although pain from sitting down is starting to become a memory, I think it'll probably hardly hurt at all in another day or two :( awww
I loved, loved, loved being sewn shut and I can't stop thinking about it. We took the sutures out this morning, but I really would have preferred to leave them in much longer. The only reason we didn't was because we wanted to get it disinfected. I've never done something like that before and what I didn't expect was to be so excited to do it again. I missed having it sewn shut all day.
I also really don't want to do too much to guide the experience by saying the right (or wrong) thing. For example, I was seriously super excited that I was about to be sounded for the first time, but I didn't really want to give anything away until after the fact. My sexual fantasies are typically centered around a powerful, anonymous figure or captor inflicting their torments on me. I like the experience to feel non-consensual for my part, including not having an exit or safeword. (I might clarify, it isn't so much about wanting to feel like a victim, so much as it is the power of the dehumanization and objectification that this situation implies).
Obviously a safeword is needed for some situations, like when, for example, I'm about to faint... :) but for a situation to feel real or genuine enough to really capture my interest I need to feel like it can't simply be shut down once started. If I've committed to "hurt me however you want", but I can stop it with a word, then the situation has no power. I want - NEED - "wimping out" to be an invalid use of a safeword.
It's this desire to feel totally out of control that prompted all of the negotiation for the scene to happen out of my hands in the first place. If my girlfriend negotiates for me, I am a) robbed of the ability to describe in pedantic detail what I want and b) relieved of the uncomfortable sensation of having to ask for torment that I want inflicted on me with sadistic disregard of my feelings
On a related note, I read your blog post, "The Problem with Dominants" and I have to say that this really stuck out to me: "In many ways I find traditional power exchange (I am the dominant because we've decided this) to be corny and unrealistic". This is exactly how I feel. I'm not really much of a submissive person, though most of my fantasies place me on the bottom. That power is TAKEN from me, BEATEN (or extorted) out of me, not given up willingly. I'm cooperative with a play partner to the extent that I want to have a good experience, like letting myself get tied up in the first place, but I hate the idea of becoming a simpering wimp with no justification. Really I would prefer to be bound and helpless for the duration of a scene, so that I can feel free to struggle and protest in vain. The more I have to cooperate with my own torment, in many ways the less realistic and less erotic it becomes.
Do let us know when you get your scary new lead-filled toy in. I'd be happy to help you break it in. And I'm really excited to get into a whole bunch of other fucked up stuff.
Hoping to be the object of your abuse again soon,

Dear Madame Ruby, Thank You for the unbelievably amazing experience yesterday! Your exquisite touch and expert guidance in fulfilling my long held dream was magical. Thank You so very kindly Madame. You are amazing! :) Thank You Madame! I hope I did truly please You and bring You enjoyment. You rocked my world Ma'am. 
Hi Goddess Ruby,Is it okay to for me to address you that way? First of all I'd like to thank you for our most recent time together. I'm sorry I didn't have much to say afterward. I do have a few notes that I've been meaning to pass on to you.
The sounding was something I'd do again in spite of it being the most painful thing we tried. I think I could start to enjoy the intensity of the pain, and also the idea of stretching to accommodate larger objects as you mentioned such as fingers or toys is intriguing. Each time you pressed on me with your hand I could feel the same pain but to a lesser degree, so it was an interesting combination.The bondage made everything that much more tantalizing, so I'd definitely do that again. I also enjoyed seeing the pattern of the rope marks on my skin.The toothpick as you called it was frightening because I imagined it skewering me. Thank you so much for painting my toenails. I know you didn't have to do that and it made me feel good. I haven't purchased a corset yet; the options were somewhat overwhelming. For now I have a waist cincher, and it seems to work okay.
First of all thank you so much for your guidance last night. Another awesome session! I skipped my masturbation session early this morning as you ordered. I instead thought of an idea. I take frequent trips for work that last anywhere from 2 to 5 days sometimes. If I ordered a chastity device I could experience a few days of it without anyone knowing. I found some small padlocks that actually use 4 letter words as the combination. If I ordered a 4 pack of the locks I could have them sent to you you could come up with the word combinations and mail them to me without me knowing the words that unlock them. I could snap the lock in place at the beginning of the trip and you could text me the word to unlock the lock on the last day right before I get home. That way I arrive home after several days of chastity and ready to see my wife. I know that might be more of a hassle than you care for with the locks but I would pay you to do it if your interested.
I love letting you control and guide me on this journey! I slept with my headphones on last night with the hypno mp3 from Candice called Pussywhipped. I keep hearing some of the catch phrases like to get the pussy you have to be the pussy. I am so glad you understand my submissive desire and do not judge me for them.

Hi Ruby,
It was great seeing you last night. Overall I enjoyed myself, but was a little disappointed in size and hardness (he didn't seem to ever get really hard) of you know what.
Actually I was most turned on by - a sexy woman - than anything else...as that is what I'm most interested in anyway! And mostly I like lingerie on sexy women too...


Review #005: By Jobber3333 on 5/7/2013
My sessions typically fall somewhere in between competative and semi-competative depending on how the lady feels about wrestling after we get acquainted. Ruby is not a trained wrestler at this point but I found her to be a very game and challenging opponent. She was very receptive to working on some basic moves and proved to be a quick and enthusiastic learner. Once we started wrestling, I found her to be maybe a little tougher opponent than Kristi Etzold but easier than Raquel ( the Seattle one ). And if you are familiar with the classic Star Trek Episode, A Piece of the Action... I left one of my submission wrestling training books with her....
I highly recommend Ruby.

Review #004: By Reading is Sexy via email

Kitten with a whip. Ruby has that delightful combination of youth, enthusiasm and good looks along w/ an incredibly perverted mind and a deliciously delightful sadistic streak. While only 21, she displays an experience and skill far beyond her years. Ruby is intelligent, charming and very, very sexy. She’s professional, communicates clearly, and once the scene starts, she’s very imaginative and spontaneous, keeping a good sub on his toes. Definitely worth the time. 

Review #003: By bigslave55 on 7/29/12
i had an amazing session with ruby today i wont go into to much detail but she was nothing short of perfect beautiful twisted suprising everything i look for in a domme i look foward to many more sessions and fun with her best day ive ever had

Review #002: by Donjuan on 7/13/12
I had the pleasure to spend some time with Ruby on Tuesday, and all I can say is "Wow, fucken wow!"  When I called prior to meeting, she was real clear that there would be no blowjobs or sex of any sort.  We had a bunch of fun anyways, and she never mentioned time.  She likes us to dictate pace, and is funny, laughs, and is real at ease.  She's willing to teach ya a few things too.  I would definitely see Ruby again, and her pictures are of her. 

Review #001: by Otis on 7/17/2012
LOCATION: Bellevue 
DATE: July 16, 2012 
NAME: Ruby Enraylls 
INCALL CLEANLINESS: clean and cozy 
PERSONALITY: very friendly, intelligent 
RACE: seemed white 
BODY TYPE: athletic 
FEET: well groomed and yummy 
TATTOOS: classy 
PIERCINGS: yes, again classy; especially liked the nipple piercings 
CLOTHES: sexy 
GREEK: no 
RUSSIAN: maybe? 
DONTs: won't fuck or blow you 
RECOMMEND: yes, if you have kink  
REPEAT: (do you intend to see provider again?) yes 

COMMENTS: When I read Ruby’s initial ad in “Seattle Fetish”, I knew I wanted to meet her and try her unique offerings. I waiting a few days to contact her because I’m trying wean myself from seeing new providers. Okay my will power broke down and I contacted Ruby for a day-of appointment. She accommodated my request and we met at her in call within 2 hours. Ruby’s ad photos are steaming hot, but to see her in person is a step beyond. I would simply say she is tall, sexy and exudes kinkiness. Any nervousness or apprehension I had quickly dissipated. Ruby was a pleasure to converse with and very intelligent. Also she’s a geek. With my engineering background she seemed to out-geek me. We had a lot of common interests, like photography and computer programming. I could have chatted with her all night.

 Okay so let’s get down to business. Ruby’s first question to me was, “what is your kink”. It seems that whatever it was, I was going to get some right then! I told her I liked nipple torture (on me) and have a bit of a foot fetish. I also told her of my new favorite sexual activity, which I discovered with my ATF. Of course this involves skin to skin contact which Ruby doesn’t offer, but I told her about it anyway. She seemed excited about my other kinks though. We kissed and snuggled naked on her bed for a brief time, and then she brought out the nipple torture devices. She began torturing my nipples and I began masturbating. I had my eyes closed, then noticed her foot rubbing my face, especially my lips. I proceeded with some intense foot worship. Ruby then slid down and touched me with her feet. Very hot! She slid back up so I could worship her other foot. She giggled as I must have been quite the sight.

 Afterward we watched some of Ruby’s porn. One video in which she’s strapped to this bondage apparatus and being cunt fucked with this mechanical “fuck machine”. The guy with her was stimulating her clit with a magic wand. This went on and on until Ruby needed her wrists unclamped as they were getting numb. I loved watching this video and told her I’d like to try these devices on me. We chatted about other kink we could try in future sessions. It seems the sky‘s the limit with Ruby.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Ultimate Submissive Relationship

The following is a write up I asked of one of my long distance submissives. This write up is about what his idea of the perfect dominant/submissive looks like and what submission means for him.
I have always thought of submission as the ultimate gift to a Dominant partner. The biggest fear is that the Dominant will not view this gift to be as special as the person giving it. I think it's very important to be treated well as a sub. If I feel special to a Dominant I will move mountains for them. I also think it is up to the sub to relinquish all control to the Dominant with trust they are making decisions in your best interest whether you agree with them or not. If these two parts are present in a relationship the sky is the limit. In my own situation I finally feel I have someone I trust enough to give my gift of submission to. She makes me want to be a better person, a better husband, and a better father. I love to do everything she ask and more because I know it makes her feel special. The things I would like to do in the future are encourage her to take more and more control. The more she controls me the more I know how much I mean to her. The great thing is she praises me doing things well which is as good as foreplay to my submissive nature. I would like for here to chastise me at some point not because I need it for temptations of other women but as a way to remind me constantly who owns my heart, body, and soul. Also maybe some day we could use spanking as a way to establish a corrective action. Sexually she dominates me already by initiating sex which I totally am into. I think I am very close to where I want to be but the chastity and spanking would be such a great addition to our relationship. Some of my friends say I am pussywhipped and I say YES I am end of conversation. I have no problem admitting that she wears the pants in the relationship. Most men do not understand that it is a privilege to be pussywhipped. This means someone cares enough about you to invest time into your development into a better person. To me dominance means love. Dominance is a tool to shape you what they want you to become. If you trust that person enough they will improve you. I cant explain enough what a gift I have received from Miss Ruby to be able to talk about my desires and how to make them happen. Her guidance and firm hand have paved the way to happiness for me. I hope she realizes how treasured my time with her is. She is the best marriage councilor in the world. I cannot wait to  achieve new levels of submission to my wife with her help. YES I am pussywhipped and love it!

Monday, October 14, 2013

A Lucky Boy

The following is a paragraph from a short story that I asked my new house boy to write after having met me. I enjoyed reading it so much that I thought I would share it with everyone. :)

It could be pheromones, it could be that she’s fucking gorgeous, it could be her natural presence of a strong and successful woman who knows what she wants and how to get it or, maybe it’s all of those and more rolled into one irresistible package. What I do know, is the moment Miss Ruby walked into that cafĂ© I didn’t care one single bit about anyone else seated nearby or around. Usually, I’m always conscious of my surroundings. I scan the people sitting all around me, the people coming and going but fuck them, fuck the waitress, fuck the people walking by on the street, I had Miss Ruby sitting in front of me. She was intoxicating, like in the old movies where the beautiful female singer is strolling down the staircase and singing in some dark and sultry voice, all eyes are on her and everyone wants to be the lucky one. She was dressed sexy, not trashy or underdressed or trying to wear something she wasn’t comfortable in but dressed like she knew what she was doing and was confident about what she was walking around in. She had the most amazing smile which draws you in and makes you want to smile and all encompassed in these beautiful full lips that she has. Lips that make you want to beg for a kiss right then and there even though you know that you don’t deserve that kiss. She was intelligent, knew how to convey her thoughts and actually had thoughts to convey and they all made me think. It’s a real blessing to be with someone who makes you think, even when you don’t want to or about things that you don’t want to. Someone who can stroke your mind is a thousand times more irresistible than someone who can stroke your cock. She had insights into life that made me look at things a different way and had a truly believable caring quality about her. And yes, this was all before we had even ordered food. Miss Ruby was a dominant woman that I wanted to serve. When we did get food, she placed some of hers on a fork and fed it to me, it felt oddly perfect and I took what she offered to me as something sacred, like I was the luckiest boy on the planet to get to have a bite of what was on her plate. I may have been smiling the entire time I first met Miss Ruby.

Who knows, maybe all of you will be lucky enough to read the rest.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Seeking a Submissive

Up until very, very recently I had allowed a boy who started seeing me professionally to connect with me on a more personal basis and I was about to collar him as my submissive. That being said, you may have noticed that I am talking about this person in past tense which is because he violated my trust in a way that shook our friendship down to its core and I'm not sure if it's repairable. Fortunately, some good has come out of this situation. Namely that I remembered how nice it was having a dedicated submissive.

Keeping in mind that I may be opening the flood gates to about a billion emails, I've nonetheless decided to start accepting applications for a submissive.

Qualities that are important to me: Honesty, reliability, good listening skills, obedient, actually submissive (not "thinking about it", "generally dominant" or a top from the bottom), not selfish, generally driven to accomplish things and meet goals, willingness to be molded by me

Any of these are bonuses but not requirements: Being willing to experiment with new toys, providing good foot massages, being a handy man, having disposal income, being a good cook

Deal Breakers: Under achievers, inability to follow directions, liars, people with criminal history.

Please copy the following questions, answer them and email the results to rubyenraylls@gmail.com

Education Level:
Experience Level with BDSM/Kink:
5 qualities other people tell you that you embody:
5 things you wish you could change about yourself:
5 things that are important you:
5 special skills that you possess:
Your ideal relationship:
Your idea of being successful:
What you wanted to grow up to be:
How you want your life to be in 5 years:

Looking forward to hearing from you.